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2024 Model Empire Catalog

2024 Model Empire Accessories Flyer

Collector’s and Discontinued Kits List (UPDATED APRIL 2024)

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On-Line Browsing

One of the few problems with having literally tens of thousands of items is getting them all loaded into an on-line catalog so you can enjoy a truly easy “shopping cart” experience.  In addition, we want to make absolutely sure that any financial or personal information you provide us is secure and private.  Our customers’ protection and satisfaction is our foremost concern!  So we are a bit “old school” here and do not have any online order placing through our website. Feel free to place an order using any of the methods identified under “How To Order” on the left.

To help you find that perfect item now, you can “search” the PDF documents. Click on the document to open them. Once they have loaded, click and hold “Control” and “F” keys on your keyboard. This will bring up a “find” box.  From there you type in a number or name to find exactly what you are looking for.